The Court writes: ‘It is undisputed that an agency cannot act without Congressional authorization.’ That would apply to all of Biden’s orders.”
Texas leaders on Friday scored a massive victory against the Biden administration’s mask and vaccine mandates after a judge in the US District Court – Northern District of Texas, Lubbock Division, ruled for a halt in the conditions for funding for Head Start programs, which is ostensibly designed to provide education-related services to low-income children.
Buried in the Head Start program is a requirement for school staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and near-universal masking for both children and adults.
Per the ruling, Texas leaders including Gov. Greg Abbott argue that the Act “does not authorise such mandates, that irreparable injury would result from them that [the Department of Health and Human Services] failed to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act in adopting the conditions, and that the mandates violate various Constitutional doctrines.”
The court agreed with these arguments, finding that there is a likelihood the mandates do not fit within the Head Start Act’s authorisation and that the mandates are “arbitrary and capricious,” so it has preliminary enjoined their enforcement across Texas.
Hotez said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that because the Omicron variant is so transmissible, “we should anticipate widespread social disruptions over the next few weeks.”
“This is going to be a very tough time, a tough way to start the year because we should anticipate widespread social disruptions over the next few weeks. First of all, in the transportation hub we are already hearing about TSA workers being knocked out of the workforce. Not because they’re getting very sick, but they are at home sick with COVID. In addition, the air traffic controllers, the ground crew, it’s going to be tough to do air travel for the next few weeks
Missouri GOP Gov. Mike Parson is allowing the COVID-19 state of emergency to expire Friday despite a surge in cases and a record-high single-day tally of infections for the pandemic, reports the Missouri Independent.
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, May 14, 2021. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) “This mandate hurts our nation’s workers, employers, and small businesses and will now rightfully be challenged in the highest court in the land. I am proud to lead my colleagues in standing up for the rule of law against the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate on private workplaces,” the congresswoman said.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
More cases of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus, are recorded in the U.S. today than ever before—not even close, and the Fake News Media refuses to print the real numbers.
Do you remember when the Democrats campaign was based on the fact that they would quickly and easily get rid of the China Virus? Their whole campaign was a lie from Religion, to the Border, to the Military, to the Economy, to Inflation, to the loss of Energy Independence and, of course, most embarrassing of all, to the inept, grossly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan.
All of those things, together with the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, are the REAL BIG LIE!
Over 95 percent of reported cases of the Omicron COVID-19 variant in Germany occurred in fully vaccinated individuals, according to a new report from the federal government. The paper – published December 30th by the German agency the ‘Robert Koch
“For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days,” the updated guidance reads. “Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, it is imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitting mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure. Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.”
“Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky has repeatedly denied that the Biden administration plans to consider people who do not get boosters to be unvaccinated.”
Thursday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) speculated there was a financial incentive driving the vaccine-centric response from public health officials and Big Pharma.
REP. ANDY BIGGS (R-AZ): Well, thanks, Lisa. Good to be with you. I think he is right in two reasons. Number one, when he talks about Big Pharma having other economic interests, they got on a path and they want to keep this path there. And, these other therapeutics aren’t really going to make them a lot of money. So, you got to look at the money angle for sure. But then, you also have to look at the efficacy of big government married to Big Pharma here and what you see is kind of this power, this control, this move for that. That’s also what’s going on, in my opinion,
San Diego County reported a total of 5,976 new coronavirus cases Thursday, setting a new single-day record, according to county records.
The previous single-day record was set on Jan. 7, when the county health department reported 4,550 new cases.
Besting the previous record by nearly 1,500 cases on the eve of New Year’s Eve clearly unsettled those in charge of protecting the public health.
Dr. Cameron Kaiser, San Diego’s deputy public health officer, said in a statement released Thursday afternoon to tamp down plans for ringing in the new year.
Los Angeles County reported more than 20,000 new cases on Thursday, nearly the highest single-day total of the pandemic, according to the Los Angeles Times:
The long-feared winter coronavirus wave reached new heights Thursday as Los Angeles County reported more than 20,000 new cases, fueled in part by the highly transmissible Omicron variant that is washing over the region.
Overall, California’s reported average daily coronavirus caseload has more than quadrupled in the last two weeks — an astonishing rise that has pushed infection levels significantly higher than at any point during the summer surge.
“We are, in fact, experiencing the worst of a surge at the moment with the rising number of cases,” L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer told reporters.
Thursday’s total in L.A. County, 20,198, is one of the highest in the pandemic. Over the last two days, the nation’s most populous county has announced nearly 37,000 new cases.
And the San Jose Mercury Newsreported that California is experiencing the fastest rate of spread in the pandemic, with even highly-vaccinated areas like Contra Costa County experiencing a 76% rise in the past two weeks.
In response, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) called for the U.S. Congress to retake control of D.C.’s governance, saying, “You are destroying children. Under the Constitution – you answer to Congress. It’s time for Congress to take over DC – open schools, open restaurants & businesses, clean up jails, enforce the laws, & end the crazy.”
—- After all this idiot came from a HIGH RISK HIGH INFECTION AREA and went to a low risk zone!
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was spotted dining in Miami Beach, Fla., on Thursday, according to a tip received by National Review, on the same day that her native New York City reported a record number of Covid-19 cases.
“Welcome to Florida, AOC!” the tweet said. “We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State thanks to @RonDeSantisFL’s leadership.”
“P.S. We recommend the Rock Shrimp Roll and the Aoki Tai the next time you decide to dine in Miami. Cheers!,” another tweet said
While being interviewed by MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin, filling in for Rachel Maddow, Fauci admitted that many of the children who are in the hospital with Covid-19 are not in the hospital because of the disease.
Sen. Ted Cruz is accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci of editing his message and engaging in “pandemic politics” on COVID-19 after the doctor’s comments on the number of children who have been hospitalized during the pandemic.
Fauci, the chief medical adviser for the Biden administration and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, came under fire on Twitter from Cruz, R-Texas, after he said in an MSNBC interview that there is a difference between the number of children who are in the hospital with COVID-19 “as opposed to because of COVID,” reports Fox News.
“And what we mean by that: If a child goes into the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID and they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual, when, in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s over counting the number of children who are, quote, hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID,” Fauci said in the interview.
Twitter has issued a suspension to Dr. Robert Malone, a key architect of mRNA technology that has helped catapult COVID vaccines into early use who has become a vocal critic of COVID-19 mandates and regulations
Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, said many years ago that the PCR should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases, “It does not tell you that you are sick.”
Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that D.C. Public Schools (DCPS) students cannot return to school after winter break unless they show proof of a negative coronavirus test.
“The sudden suspension of multiple monoclonal antibody therapy treatments from distribution to Florida removes a health care provider’s ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in their state,” the letter read, criticizing the “shortsightedness” of the Biden administration
New cases of coronavirus in the U.S. soared to their highest level on record Thursday, peaking at an average of over 265,000 per day as a surge driven largely by the highly contagious omicron variant continues unabated.
Mask appeal: The addiction of surgical masks in Japan
Wearing surgical masks is a social norm in Japan, but for some, it can be an addiction
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Masked matchmaking events – like this one (above) in Tokyo last October – aim to encourage participants to get to know each other without being judged on looks. PHOTOS: REUTERS
Tor Ching Li For The Straits Times In TokyoPUBLISHED APR 8, 2017, 5:00 AM SGTFacebookTwitter
Spring has come – and with it, teary eyes and runny noses for those with hay fever, as pollen is released into the air with each gust of wind that comes with the change in seasons.
This is the start of the peak sales season for surgical masks in Japan, which help to alleviate the cold-like symptoms of pollen allergy.
Anyone visiting the country at this time of the year will find it hard to walk on the streets and not meet anyone wearing a mask.
But if you stay in Japan long enough, you would realise that the Japanese love affair with the surgical masks goes beyond health and hygiene – to the realm of psychology and even pathology.
While many wear the mask as a defence against allergens, some use it as a cover-up, a shield against social situations that trigger anxiety.
Figures attest to a phenomenon some have termed “mask dependency”: Mask production rose 20 per cent year on year in 2015, to a record high of 4.9 billion pieces, according to latest data from the Japan Hygiene Products Industry Association.
20%Year-on-year percentage increase in mask production in 2015.4.9bNumber of masks produced in 2015, a record high.50%Percentage increase in number of mask addicts seeking counselling at a clinic in recent years, compared with in 2009.
Total sales nationwide tallied 23.2 billion yen (S$294 million) in 2014, said marketing consultant firm Fuji Keizai. When the H1N1 flu epidemic broke out in 2009, sales peaked at 34 billion yen.
Around one in three of Japan’s 127 million people suffers from hay fever, according to a Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare survey.
The volume of pollen in the air is nothing to sneeze at – pollen from over 60 types of plants and trees, such as the Japanese cedar and cypress, are linked to hay fever.
Leading mask maker Unicharm was the first hygiene products supplier to offer disposable, pollen- blocking masks in 2003, and after the outbreak of Sars in the same year, developed masks it claimed could prevent cold.
Before that, masks were mainly reusable ones made of cotton, with a replaceable gauze filter.
Mr Kikuo Tomioka, a Unicharm spokesman, said: “Our masks are fitted with filters that can keep out pollen, viruses or air polluting PM2.5 fine particulate matter, and are designed for a snug fit.”
Since wearing a mask when one has a cold or flu is a socially-approved act of consideration for others, as well as a safeguard against viruses and allergens, disposable masks that were cheap and considered more hygienic proved to be the game changer.
Nearly one in three Japanese wore masks every day in 2011, compared with around one in five in 2008, according to a survey by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, a leading maker of pollution-related face masks.
For many people, especially women, masks are for days when they feel less attractive.
“I wear masks on days when I don’t have time to put on make-up before going out,” said Ms Mai Hashimoto, a business marketing officer in her 30s.
She goes through about a dozen masks every two weeks.
“Now, there are many types of masks to choose from, such as those that can make your face look smaller, and they also come in various colours, which is nice,” she added.
Mr Eiji Takahashi, a salesman in his 40s, said he started wearing masks regularly about five years ago.
“During the dry winter months, I found that wearing masks helped to keep my throat moisturised. It also keeps my face warm when I’m outdoors,” he said.
“Now, it’s become a habit.”
Major pharmacies stock at least five to six different types of masks at any one time.
Unicharm’s Mr Tomioka said the company has 11 types of masks – from “3D” masks that stand away from the face and masks that make one’s face look smaller, to masks with aroma, like mint-scented ones, with various levels of textures for ease of wearing.
On the market, there are even pink masks for ladies and black ones for men.
Since 2012, some matchmaking companies have even started offering speed dating where participants are required to wear surgical masks. The purported aim is to encourage participants to get to know their would-be sweethearts without judging each other first by looks.
Such matchmaking events have proven to be a hit and have spread all over Japan.
The spokesman for a Tokyo-based organiser, Mask Matchmaking, said: “Wearing masks sometimes makes it hard to hear what the other person is saying, so naturally, people draw nearer to each other.”
But for some Japanese, wearing masks has become an addiction.
Mr Yuzo Kikumoto, who set up professional counselling service Kikiwell in 2006, was the first to coin the term “mask dependency” in a paper he wrote in 2009.
People were wearing surgical masks not for the purposes they were intended for, he wrote, but because they had grown used to living behind the anonymity of a mask.
The situation has got even more serious in recent years, Mr Kikumoto told The Straits Times.
The number of mask addicts seeking counselling at his practice has increased by 50 per cent since 2009, he said.
Sufferers are mostly in their 30s to 40s, with women making up slightly more than half of the number , or 60 per cent.
“While some people used to feel safe or secure when going out with a mask, it has reached a stage where they cannot go out without wearing a mask. That’s how serious it is getting,” said Mr Kikumoto, who is a frequent guest on local TV talk shows and news programmes.
The reason for mask dependency, he said, is a feeling of insecurity in public, exacerbated by the proliferation of social media. Many who use social media frequently have become more self-conscious and crave the praise and approval of others. Those who lack such affirmation may then suffer from a deeper sense of inferiority, he added.
“The mask acts as a security blanket, and people with this addiction cannot talk to people without wearing a face mask. And society’s acceptance of interactions behind masks perpetuates such a dependency,” said Mr Kikumoto.
Like any addiction, treatment needs to start with recognition and admission, he added.
“An environment or situation that requires interaction with people is also needed,” he said, recommending regular exposure to social situations.
A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on April 08, 2017, with the headline Mask appeal: The addiction of surgical masks in Japan. Subscribe
COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations have also been increasing since mid-November but are far below levels during last winter’s surge, according to the Times.
France will ban concessions at cinemas and all consumables on public transport from January 3rd in order to “combat” the spread of the Omicron variant. Additional measures, ostensibly meant to combat the spread of the mild virus, were announced by French Prime Minister Jean Castex during a press conference on December 27th.
Indoor events with 2,000 attendees and outdoor events with 5,000 attendees will be allowed to continue, so long as everyone in attendance remains seated. Bars and restaurants will also stay open, but all food and drinks must be consumed from a seated position in order to battle the latest wave of COVID-19.
President Joe Biden prepares to throw a ball as he walks with his dog Commander in Rehoboth Beach, Del., Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2021. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Wallace said, “I mean, I am a Fauci groupie, a thrice vaccinated, mask adherent. I buy kn95 masks by the caseload. They are in every pocket. I wear them everywhere except when I sit down. And I am certain this is not a variant I can outrun.”
When asked by reporters if he will force domestic travelers to get the jab, Biden responded it depends on the recommendation of health experts.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president, is set to receive the largest federal retirement package in U.S. history at $350,000 per year, according to Forbes.
“Joe Biden claimed he would shut down the virus,” the RNC tweeted Monday night. “Now a year later when he failed to do so, he says there is no federal solution to COVID. Joe Biden is a hypocrite.”
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., also fumed at Biden’s attitude change.
“When Joe Biden says ‘there is no federal solution,’ he’s trying to avoid blame for his incompetence,” Cotton tweeted. “If he really believes this, he should rescind his unconstitutional federal mandates.”
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 isn’t quite as widespread as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) previously led people to believe.
The agency reported Dec. 20 that 73% of COVID-19 cases across the United States were Omicron, up from just 0.7% two weeks before. Now, that number has been revised all the way down to 22.5%.
The numbers may have been skewed because not all COVID-19 cases in the United States are sequenced to determine which variant they are, meaning the CDC can only estimate based on the cases that are sequenced and submitted to the agency.
The latest face of face-diaper mental illness aboard aircraft, perpetuated by Joe Biden’s FAA.
Washed up model actress assaults elderly man on plane while he sat on airplane. Spits on him shortly after.
…encouraged by Joe Bidens Face Diaper FAA rules.
Public records also reveal that Cornwall was arrested for driving under the influence in Walton County, Florida, last year. She also has several arrests for domestic abuse, one in Florida and another in Los Angeles. Both arrests were from last year.
Baltimore County this week declared a state of emergency due to the Chinese coronavirus and is reintroducing mask mandates — a move Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski blamed on unvaccinated Americans, calling them selfish for refusing to get the shot.
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again due to the omicron variant and its high level of transmissibility.
On Dec. 26, 189,714 new cases of COVID-19 were reported. Of those, 54,828 came from New York City. This means that 28.9% of new cases reported for Dec. 26 came from the Big Apple.
Citing official government statistics, the numbers are contained in a report by MailOnline’s Senior Health Reporter.
“In the two weeks to December 21, hospitals in England recorded 563 new coronavirus inpatients – the majority of which are believed to be Omicron now that the variant is the country’s dominant stain.”
“But just 197 (35%) were being primarily treated for Covid, with the remaining 366 (65%) only testing positive after being admitted for something else.”
Through December 21, 2021, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported a total of 5,779 unruly passenger incidents this year. Of these incidents, the FAA has launched 1,054 investigations, which is approximately a 600% increase from the annual average of the previous twenty-five years.
Despite Kelly’s words of wisdom, Delta Air Lines issued regulations demanding masks be continuously worn “except while eating, drinking, or taking oral medications for brief periods. Prolonged periods of mask removal are not permitted for eating or drinking – masks must be worn between bites and sips.” American Airlines issued a similar masking requirement for passengers.
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has found that the most common symptoms are akin to the common cold.
COVID-19 deaths will soar by 73% to 15,600 a week by January 8 and cases might leap to 1.3 million by Christmas Day, the CDC said. New projections released Wednesday show there will be some 15,600 new COVID deaths a week as of January 8 — more than 2,200 deaths per day. That’s about a 58% jump from the 8,900 deaths currently being recorded each week, which equals nearly 1,300 deaths a day.
U.S. health officials and scientists have been forced to rely on information from outside the U.S., mainly from Israel, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, in order to learn more about the delta and omicron variants of COVID-19.
“There’s a lot of data that’s coming in from a lot of different places. It’s coming in from the U.K., it’s coming in from Israel, it’s coming in a lot from South Africa, which is ahead of the rest of the world in the experience they’re having with omicron,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a statement to Politico. “We’ve gotten virus either in the live virus form or in the pseudo virus form. But we don’t have enough of this in the United States to be able to bank on our own clinical experience
Bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel, a former member of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board during the transition, told Politico that “We’re relying on everyone else’s data. We should be providing data to the world and we are not. We started [the pandemic] with a serious problem of not enough data and bad data infrastructure. We have not made the structural investments we need. The ideal is that we have real-time data. And we don’t have that. We’re not even close to that.”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has tested positive with a “breakthrough case” of coronavirus after previously receiving two doses of the vaccine and a booster shot.+
Booker, who received both doses of the vaccine and a booster shot, said he tested positive for the virus while encouraging everyone to get vaccinated.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) instituted a stricter mask policy Sunday night, ordering all cops to wear masks while on duty regardless of their coronavirus vaccination status.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has mandated the wearing of masks for all church services, including weddings and funerals, despite a vaccination rate of nearly 90 percent.
On Friday’s “CNN Tonight,” New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams (D) said that “temporarily shutting down the schools” in areas of the city that have large coronavirus outbreaks is “smart, it’s a great way to go, and we’re going to continue to do that.”
CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Monday he’s tested positive for Covid and isolating at home with a mild case.
“I have Covid. I came down with Covid on Thursday night,” Cramer said on “Squawk on the Street.” He added he’s been triple vaccinated: two shots of Moderna and a Moderna booster.
Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) revealed on Wednesday that she has contracted the Chinese coronavirus despite being vaccinated and boosted. Schakowsky said she is experiencing a fever and feeling generally “ill.” “As I mentioned in my weekly video, my husband Bob tested positive for COVID Friday. Yesterday I was having a bit of fever and feeling ill. After several negative tests in the days before, I tested positive for COVID last night. We are both vaccinated and received the booster,” she revealed on social media.
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) on Wednesday revealed he has a breakthrough case of the Chinese coronavirus, meaning he contracted the virus despite being vaccinated, using the opportunity to warn Americans that “no one is immune” from the illness.
“Tonight, I received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. This is a breakthrough case, and I am asymptomatic,” he said in a statement, adding that “America is in a new phase of this pandemic.”
Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), speaks during a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations to examine US-Russia policy at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on December 7, 2021. (Photo by Alex Brandon / POOL / AFP) (Photo by ALEX BRANDON/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Sen. Chris Coons said Thursday he has tested positive for COVID-19, but has “minimal symptoms.”
(Photo by Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images)
Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said he has tested positive for COVID-19, but is experiencing no symptoms.
He wrote: “Today, after being notified of a recent exposure, I tested positive with a breakthrough case of COVID-19. Fortunately, I am fully vaccinated and recently received my booster shot. I am feeling fine and currently have no symptoms.”
“Today, I received a positive, breakthrough COVID-19 test result. Thankfully, my symptoms are mild & I’m grateful to be fully vaccinated & boosted,” the congresswoman and “squad” member tweeted. “I’m currently isolating & following all health protocols.”
In her statement, Pressley touted the vaccines as life-saving and encouraged her followers to “do their part by getting vaccinated, boosted and masking up.”
“Vaccines save lives. With this unprecedented pandemic continuing to rage, I am deeply grateful for the scientists, researchers, and frontline healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly to develop vaccines that are safe and effective, and ensure that our communities are protected,” she wrote.
City council members of Keene, New Hampshire, voted on Thursday to continue to enact regressive coronavirus policies, opting to mandate masks in indoor areas yet again. However, the Keene City Council took the policy a step further, choosing to fine “repeat violators” up to $250.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced this weekend that 80 percent of COVID-19 “Omicron variant” cases are found in so-called “fully vaccinated” individuals.
Only 19 percent of cases were identified in unvaccinated individuals.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that of the 43 cases attributed to Omicron variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated. Fourteen of them had also received a booster, although five of those cases occurred less than 14 days after the additional shot before full protection kicks in.
Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration made the announcement Monday. California is one of only nine states imposing an indoor masking requirement for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated, along with Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Washington. Washington DC also has a similar mask mandate in place.
Fauci said, “It’s tough to tell because the third shot of an mRNA could not only do what we absolutely know it does, dramatically increase the level of protection, but it could very well increase the durability of protection by things that you can’t readily measure by the level of antibodies, but you might have a maturation of the immune system that would prolong the durability. You don’t know that, George, until you just follow it over a period of months. If it becomes necessary to get yet another boost, then we’ll just have to deal with it when that occurs. But I’m hoping from an immunological standpoint that that third shot of an mRNA and the second shot of a J&J will give a much greater durability of protection than just the six months or so that we’re seeing right now.
Effective Thursday, December 9, 2021, all guests ages 3-11 who visit SAP Center at San Jose must be fully vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the event. … These requirements will remain in place until state and local health and safety guidance is revised.
New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a vaccine mandate on October 29. But in a ruling that throws into question the legality of the “mandate,” a judge for the Supreme Court of New York has blocked it.
“Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for New York City employees, including the NYPD, has been blocked by a Manhattan court,” Newsweek reported.
“On Tuesday, Judge Frank P. Nervo in the Supreme Court of New York gave notice that the mandate was suspended, pending a hearing scheduled for December 14,” the report added.
Joe Biden and his White House’s legally questionable vaccine mandate for federal contractors’ was halted nationwide by a federal judge on Tuesday, it was confirmed this morning.
As many as 69 trials trials, including 31 randomized controlled trials, have shown the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. And 269 peer-review studies show the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.
A 2005 study indexed in the National Institutes of Health library found chloroquine, from which hydroxychloroquine is derived, had “strong antiviral effects” on SARS-CoV-1, which is about 90% the same as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Ivermectin, as WND reported, is featured on the NIH website as a treatment for COVID-19 that is “under evaluation.”
Dr. Paul Marik, a professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, says it’s “completely outrageous” that the hospital in Norfolk where he serves as ICU director is telling physicians what they can prescribe and not prescribe, violating the doctor-patient relationship and the Hippocratic Oath.
Marik was a co-author of a peer-reviewed study published in February by the American Journal of Therapeutics that found that ivermectin reduces coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths by about 75%.
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) met on Thursday for about two hours to begin the process of drafting an order to make the state’s indoor mask requirement permanent
U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida has ruled that Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” bearing emergency use authorization (EUA) is not interchangeable with the company’s new Comirnaty injection, which was fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in August.
Judge Winsor did, however, reject a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. military’s Chinese Virus injection mandate. A hearing for that case is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022, which is nearly 10 months down the road.
If you are under 70 you have a 99.95% survival rate against COVID. That threat diminishes the younger you get. But let’s just engage in gross human rights abuses against people who don’t want to get vaccinated against a virus that is not a threat to their life.
Judge Terry A. Doughty in the U.S. District Court Western District of Louisiana ruled in favor of a request from Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry to block an emergency regulation issued Nov. 4 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that required vaccines for nearly every full-time employee, part-time employee, volunteer, and contractor working at a wide range of healthcare facilities receiving Medicaid or Medicaid funding.
Louisiana was joined in the lawsuit by attorneys general in 13 other states.
The citations will include a $1,000 fine for a second violation, $2,000 fine for a third violation and a $5,000 fine for a fourth and subsequent violations.
National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during the 12-month period ending in April 2021, an increase of 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the same period the year before.
Since the pandemic began, the U.S. Congress has “pumped nearly $5 trillion taxpayer dollars into COVID-19 ‘relief’ spending.” These programs have offered very little relief to the economy and have instead conditioned people to expect “regular monthly payments that, when combined, are far more lucrative than work.” These exorbitantly expensive welfare initiatives have “infected several significant government programs and threaten to tank the American economy” entirely.
Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty ImagesWASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 29: U.S. first lady Jill Biden smiles after she read her book Don’t Forget, God Bless our Troops to a second-grade class from Malcolm Elementary School in Waldorf, Maryland, in the State Dining Room of the White House November 29, 2021 in Washington, DC. First lady Jill Biden unveiled the 2021 White House holiday décor today with the theme “Gifts from the Heart”. A variety of interactive viewing experiences will be launched on digital platforms, including Instagram, Google Maps Street View, Snapchat, and others that will allow the public to engage with the White House from home over the course of holidays. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)WASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 29: U.S. first lady Jill Biden reads her book Don’t Forget, God Bless our Troops to a second-grade class from Malcolm Elementary School in Waldorf, Maryland, in the State Dining Room of the White House November 29, 2021 in Washington, DC. First lady Jill Biden unveiled the 2021 White House holiday décor today with the theme “Gifts from the Heart”. A variety of interactive viewing experiences will be launched on digital platforms, including Instagram, Google Maps Street View, Snapchat, and others that will allow the public to engage with the White House from home over the course of holidays. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)Screengrab Via C-SPAN)
So now we want to vaccinate the entire world. Naturally one wonders why, because up until now the reasons have all been either wrong or misleading. Allow me to summarize:
At first, they said they only wanted to vaccinate the vulnerable groups. So, the people over 60.
Now they say, no, you have to start at the age of 18.
Then the second reason was, we need 70% [vaccinated] for herd immunity.
Now they say we need 100%. The peak of this absurdity is that the unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated. We haven’t heard that one before.
The third justification is that we had to be vaccinated out of solidarity.
Out of solidarity with vulnerable groups.
Now, it is said that the vaccinated have a particularly high viral load, which means that for vulnerable groups, it is obviously safest if they are visited by unvaccinated people.
And now, we have more and more vaccine breakthroughs, i.e. people who become severely ill with COVID, despite being vaccinated twice. The newest rationale to be heard here now is, since the first two vaccinations have thus totally failed, we should urgently be vaccinated a third time, with a vaccine that will probably fail just like the last two vaccines did the first time around. That’s really smart.
In Germany, we have 48 confirmed cases of deaths that occurred in connection with the vaccination. 48 cases, those are just the cases that were autopsied. Of course, we know that many people who died after a vaccination were not autopsied at all.
That means the unreported number is probably many times higher.
If any company, let’s say Nestlé or Pepsi or any other company were to put a product on the market and then 48 people were to die from it within a year, we wouldn’t talk about whether we should or should not distribute this product to the world.
We would talk about whether or not we should enforce liability on the management.
That’s what I would urgently suggest that this parliament do. We should be discussing the [lack of] efficacy of these vaccines and about liability issues for the management of the vaccine manufacturers.
I think that’s what this parliament should concentrate on, not on vaccinating the world. Thank you very much.
Translation: Miss Piggy
The Supreme Court on Monday turned away a group of health care workers who sought exemptions from their Boston-based hospital’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy.
The request was denied without comment by Justice Stephen Breyer, who handles emergency matters arising from the region.
A judge halted President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in ten states on Monday, court documents show.
Missouri-based U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, issued the preliminary injunction for employees at Medicare and Medicare-certified medical facilities in North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Alaska, and Arkansas. Under the Biden administration’s mandate, healthcare workers who work at hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities that receive federal funding have been ordered to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 4, receive a medical or religious exemption, or face firing.
The White House Office of Management and Budget is reportedly telling federal agencies they can hold off suspending or firing federal workers for not complying with a vaccine mandate until after the holidays.
President Joe Biden urged Americans to wear masks indoors and in public places, as the administration braces for the new COVID-19 variant Omicron to appear in the country.
Every New Yorker regardless of vaccination status is encouraged to wear a mask in indoor public settings, according to a new mask advisory issued Monday by New York City’s health commissioner as concerns about the omicron COVID-19 variant spreads.
The study showed that there is “no significant differences were detected in duration of RT-PCR positivity among fully vaccinated participants (median: 13 days) versus those not fully vaccinated (median: 13 days; p=0.50), or in duration of culture positivity (medians: 5 days and 5 days; p=0.29)” among the 95 eligible participants out of 190, of whom 78 were fully vaccinated and 17 were not fully vaccinated.
In this investigation, we found no statistically significant difference in transmission potential between vaccinated persons and persons who were not fully vaccinated. Therefore, our findings indicate that prevention and mitigation measures should be applied without regard to vaccination status for persons in high-risk settings or those with significant exposures. In congregate settings, and correctional and detention facilities in particular, post-exposure testing and quarantine remain essential tools to limit transmission when cases are identified, in addition to other recommended prevention measures. Our data add to a growing body of evidence characterizing transmission potential from vaccinated persons. Future studies of transmission potential from vaccinated persons with infection, incorporating similar laboratory-based markers as well as evidence of transmission from secondary attack rates and network analysis, may help to further describe the contributions of vaccinated persons in chains of transmission as the pandemic evolves and new variants emerge.
A South African doctor who was one of the first to suspect a different coronavirus strain has said that symptoms of the Omicron variant appear to be mild and could be treated at home
Family sitting at the Christmas Thanksgiving table at home in the year of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Grandmother adjust the surgical mask to her grandson. New rules, Covid outbreak, lockdown. (Family sitting at the Christmas Thanksgiving table at home Basilico Studio Stock/Getty Images