President Joe Biden has pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci

President Joe Biden has pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci
This quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all Covid deaths among the vaccinated.
The figures were published by the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the “Deaths by Vaccination Status” dataset.
The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent of Covid deaths.
Perhaps the most troubling information revealed in the data is the fact that deaths increased among the groups who received more “vaccine” doses.
The vast majority of the deaths are among those vaccinated four times.
In July 2023, a Louisiana-based U.S. district judge barred officials from “communication of any kind with social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later narrowed the scope of the injunction, but still required the White House, FBI and top health officials not to “coerce or significantly encourage” social media companies to remove content the Biden administration considered misinformation.
While understanding the seriousness Covid posed to vulnerable populations (such as the elderly) and the desire to quickly develop medical interventions to save lives, the grand jury disagreed with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) assessment that the Covid “emergency” “applied to everyone.” Based upon its assessment of the flagship trial data available at the time, the jury opined that the “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) granted to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid shots “should only have been granted as to the elderly and comorbid populations most at risk from SARS-Co V-2 complications.”
“A broader authorization might have been appropriate had the flagship trials demonstrated efficacy against transmission, but the FDA did not require them to be designed that way, and neither Moderna nor Pfizer took it upon themselves to build transmission efficacy into their protocols,” the report reads.
The jury found an alarming lack of care given to conducting secure flagship trials and research on the Covid shots’ impact on pregnant women. Specifically, the jurors disclosed their belief that expectant mothers were not “well-served by the United States public health apparatus” and that such “troubling issues” were not “properly and meaningfully disclosed and discussed over the last four years.”
“Troubling results that occurred in newly pregnant women in the flagship clinical trials were not contemporaneously disclosed by the FDA, Pfizer or Moderna, nor do they appear to have been meaningfully investigated beyond allowing pregnant women to serve as human guinea pigs based on limited observational data that did not address infant health risks, then using statistically unreliable safety databases like [the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] to ‘enthusiastically recommend vaccination’ to this vulnerable group,” the report reads.
As noted by the jury, the FDA provided “Full Approval” letters to Pfizer and Moderna, granting complete market access for their respective Covid shots. In order to keep their licenses, both companies were required to conduct a series of “interventional and observational” studies monitoring the “safety and effectiveness” of the jabs after they were released to market.
Despite having received these mandates years ago (Pfizer in August 2021 and Moderna in January 2022), the grand jury found that both companies have failed to complete several of the required studies by deadline and received timeline extensions from federal administrators.
“These missed deadlines do not give us confidence,” the grand jury report reads. “Each one represents an opportunity for the FDA and the public to be better informed about the safety of these products that cost billions of taxpayer dollars to develop, manufacture and administer. We recognize that conducting these trials and studies can be challenging work, but we think the money Pfizer and Moderna made [from their Covid shots] should be more than enough to fund and timely administer these tasks as they have been directed.”
As described in the report, pharmaceutical companies and public health agencies possess postmarketing surveillance databases that collect reports of potential side effects experienced by those who receive their approved vaccines. According to the analysis, after a “safety signal” is “identified,” the former entities will conduct research using available data and research to determine the validity of the safety signal. If such signals are valid, the companies share their data with the FDA to determine whether it is “confirmed” or “refuted.”
According to the report, “If a signal is ‘confirmed,’ the FDA — in conjunction with the [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] — must then decide what kind of response is warranted,” with some signals requiring “no more than a published communication or warning about potential risks,” and others requiring “updates to their physician or patient information.”
The grand jury noted that while Moderna confirmed five safety signals regarding its Covid shot, “the public likely does not know … that Moderna investigated a total of 65 safety signals, ‘refuting’ 60 of them in consultation with the FDA.” A Pfizer representative interviewed by the jury said the company investigated “[a]bout 100 signals” for its shot, which resulted in “very, very few” being confirmed.
When pressed on if the company made this information available to the public, a Moderna representative told the jury, “No, it’s irrelevant for them,” and claimed, “the reason is that, these are issues that are unknown … [a]nd if we were to advise the public of every theoretical safety concern, I think that would be a disservice to the public.”
“We emphatically disagree,” the jury wrote. “In fact, we believe it perfectly illustrates the larger paternalistic attitude on the part of both government health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry towards the public. … Hiding the details, methodology and results of scores of safety investigations from public view does not build public confidence; it undermines it.”
While maintaining that Vaccine-Related Myocarditis and Pericarditis (VRMP) events are “very rare,” the grand jury disclosed significant findings about such incidents, including the apparent withholding of such information from the American public.
While reports of a potential myocarditis signal associated with the Covid shots first began to emerge in Israel in February 2021, the jurors found that “a less-publicized safety signal for myocarditis” regarding the Pfizer and Moderna jabs “appeared after the United States military began vaccinating its servicemembers.” According to the jury, this information “was not made public until after the VRMP safety signal was confirmed on June 23, 2021” — despite “representatives from Pfizer and Moderna [confirming to the] Grand Jury that several government agencies, including the DOD, were investigating it well before then.”
The grand jury highlighted remarks by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, who when asked during an April 27, 2021, interview about reports of myocarditis among service members and a possible connection to the Covid shots, claimed, “We have not seen a signal.”
The jury noted that despite the director’s statement, “contemporaneous communications between top CDC officials suggest [the CDC], along with the FDA, Pfizer, Moderna and the DOD were all actively investigating the VRMP safety signal right around the time Director Walensky was saying CDC had not seen one.”
The report later acknowledges that, “For a sizeable group of healthy young men, there is credible evidence that the risk of side effects from second doses [Pfizer] or [Moderna] always outweighed their benefits, even at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
[Exclusive: Biden Admin ‘Ignored’ Vaccine Safety Protocols To Fast-Track Its Covid Shot Mandates]
The grand jury devoted attention to the mass censorship deployed by the federal government and Big Tech against Americans who disagreed with its preferred narrative on Covid. While characterizing the scheme as a “concerted effort … to seek the suppression of opinions not in line with messages they wanted to amplify,” the judicial body noted how these government figures “exercised considerable soft power … by attempting to control vaccine-related narratives on social media websites, asking for specific posts or authors to be removed altogether, or even ‘blacklisted’ … on the grounds that they contained ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation.’”
The jury further noted how pharmaceutical companies exercised “indirect” influence in shaping the public discourse on Covid shots “by selectively releasing efficacy and safety data regarding their products,” which is then regurgitated by researchers, journalists, and medical organizations in their writings.
Moderna and Pfizer also deployed deceptive “unbranded” advertising tactics when marketing their products to the public, according to the report.
The grand jury noted how pharmaceutical companies are “required to disclose both the brand and generic names of their pharmaceuticals, their ingredients and a ‘major statement’ about side effects and contraindications associated with their products.” However, these mandates are “only applied to advertisements that promoted the vaccines, not to advertisements that promoted vaccination generally.”
“If the advertisement did not mention the branded drug by name … the FDA did not enforce its marketing limitations. … After all, it was not the product that was being advertised, just the act of getting vaccinated,” the report reads. “While this may be a fictional and outright silly distinction, it has real consequences, allowing the companies to avoid communicating the risk of their products while simultaneously reminding consumers of their existence and even extolling their benefits.”
While the grand jury acknowledged that the Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer and Moderna shots was reasonable at the time given the early data from the flagship trials and other “limited information” available, it subsequently noted that “circumstances have changed” in the years since that call into question their necessity. Specifically, the panel detailed how the virus “infects and causes COVID-19 disease at a much lower rate than it used to” and produces “fewer hospitalizations and deaths.”
Jurors also recognized that most people have already been infected with and recovered from Covid.
“The issue in 2024 is that the COVID-19 vaccines may not be different enough. The SARS Co V-2 virus still mutates to new variants on a frequent basis,” the report reads. “Even with the extra speed derived from the FDA’s willingness to accept immunogenicity results rather than clinical endpoints, new formulations of [Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid shots] regularly lag more than a generation behind the latest variants by the time they reach consumers, meaning that they provide less protection from SARS Co V-2 risks, and that whatever protection they do provide is likely to wane quickly.”
“We no longer have a clear idea of which demographic groups are still deriving a meaningful benefit from [Pfizer] and [Moderna] and whether that benefit is worthwhile in the context of their side effect profiles,” it added.
Despite declining to file indictments against any individual or entity, the grand jury did offer several recommendations for state and federal officials to take to ensure greater accountability in the vaccine-approval process.
Among those at the federal level include suggestions that the FDA “reinstate its pre-1997 ban on the direct-to-consumer advertising of therapeutics,” the federal government to institute policies “impeding the ‘revolving door’ of private-sector employees and lobbyists in and out” of health agencies, and the implementation of rules requiring Big Pharma companies to “publish the anonymized individual patient data — with all their attendant safety, efficacy and immunogenicity information — shortly after [the] granting of any FDA license.”
At the state level, the jury recommended Florida lawmakers make it a crime for failure to comply with a statewide grand jury subpoena, allow statewide grand juries to indict and the Office of Statewide Prosecution to prosecute individuals who commit perjury while testifying before the jury, and provide for a “pre-swearing discovery period” for any statewide grand jury.
Officials knew about the coronavirus breakout in the fall of 2019 — sooner than they claim — and the biotechnology used to create the virus developed in the U.S. and was then exported to China, Dr. Andrew Huff, author of The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History, said on Breitbart News Saturday.
The recent development just two weeks ago, there’s an article published in The Sun which shows that senior intelligence officials had informed senior Pentagon officials that the disease had been spreading in China in early October 2019,” he said, noting that this is not the same timeline the public was offered.
A federal report that pointed to COVID-19 being leaked from a Chinese laboratory was “silenced” from discussions with President Joe Biden and a final report in May 2021
The five-year extension, signed by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra on Dec. 11, continues a policy first implemented during the pandemic under then-President Donald Trump. It is one of the longest liability protections in the history of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. Proponents argue that the protections are essential for fostering innovation and maintaining public health readiness, but critics contend they leave vaccine-injured individuals without recourse and could limit future administrations’ ability to enact significant policy changes.
Although all five of the major federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates are now rescinded, overturned, or otherwise ended, their consequences will live on for years to come. The COVID-19 vaccine mandates caused people to lose their livelihoods, hollowed out our healthcare and education workforces, reduced our military readiness and recruitment, caused vaccine hesitancy, reduced trust in public health, trampled individual freedoms, deepened political divisions, and interered in the patient-physician relationship.
Aside from these severe consequences, the scientific basis of the COVID-19 vaccine mandates was highly questionable. COVID-19 mandates ignored natural immunity, stratification of risk from the virus, risk of adverse events from the vaccine, as well as the fact that the vaccines don’t prevent the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile, as the Select Subcommittee has established in previous hearings, federal health officials consistently overstated the power of the vaccines and deepening political divides with statements like “the pandemic of unvaccinated.” This is yet another example of the Biden Administration’s guidance and policies straying far outside boundaries of the available evidence while proudly proclaiming they were “following the science.” For them, “because I told you so” was good enough.
Many countries, including the U.K., Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, followed the guidelines of the WHO. The WHO specifically did not recommend masking children aged five or younger because they are at low risk of illness, masks are “not in the overall interest of the child,” and also because most children that age are not capable of wearing a mask properly or effficiently. The WHO also recommended children aged six through 11 not routinely wear masks because of potential adverse impact to psychological and learning development. The WHO further explicitly advised against children wearing masks during physical activities, such as outside playground time, so as not to impede their breathing.
“Social distancing was one of the most consequential policies of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the committee wrote in the report. “Social distancing is the practice of intentionally maintaining a physical space between yourself and other people. On March 22, 2020, the CDC issued guidance specifically designating six feet, or two arm’s length, as the distance that would best reduce the spread of the coronavirus.”
The report from the committee noted that during a June 2024 public hearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, had articulated “that the six-foot rule for social distancing was not supported by quality scientific standards” and had “attempted to further distance himself from the issue by stating the decision making of this policy implementation was the responsibility of the CDC.”
The largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to date has been republished in a peer-reviewed journal — after twice being censored, according to Nicolas Hulscher, the paper’s lead author and an epidemiologist at the McCullough Foundation.
Science, Public Health Policy and the Law on Nov. 17 published the study, which had been previously withdrawn from Preprints with The Lancet and Forensic Science International.
Hulscher told The Defender the study’s republication signals a “pivotal victory for transparency and accountability in science.” It also marks “a significant setback” for actors in the biopharmaceutical complex and “their Academic Publishing Cartel,” Hulscher said.
Hulscher’s co-authors include Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter A. McCullough and Dr. William Makis.
Hulscher told The Defender the study provides “robust evidence that COVID-19 vaccines can cause death. This means that the FDA’s [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] criteria for a Class I recall have been fulfilled, warranting an immediate market withdrawal.”
The FDA defines a Class I product recall as “a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”
Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, told The Defender that the COVID-19 vaccine spike protein “can stay around in some people and continue to do inflammatory damage in any site where it gets to through the bloodstream.”
Shelley Luther, who gained national prominence for defying COVID-19 lockdown measures by reopening her salon in North Dallas, has achieved a resounding victory in Texas House District 62. Luther captured over 75% of the vote, decisively defeating Democrat Tiffany Drake.
Abbott, you were wrong to “close” businesses!
“During the transcribed interview, the Select Subcommittee believes that Mr. Cuomo made false statements about his involvement in and knowledge of the drafting of the July 6 Report.” That report, issued in 2020, was from the New York State Department of Health and titled “Factors Associated with Nursing Home Infections and Fatalities in New York State During the COVID-19 Global Health Crisis.”
“Accordingly, the Select Subcommittee attaches to this letter a detailed referral for criminal charges against Mr. Cuomo pursuant to 18 USC Section 1001. As explained in the attached referral, Mr. Cuomo made multiple criminally false statements, including that he was neither involved in the drafting nor the review of the July 6 Report,” the letter continued. “Documents establish that statement to be false.”
“Mr Cuomo also testified that he did not have any discussions about the July 6 Report being peer reviewed. Documents show that statement to be false. And Mr. Cuomo testified that he did not know whether the July 6 Report was reviewed by persons outside the NYSDOH. Documents again demonstrate that statement to be false.”
“Mr Cuomo provided false statements to the Select Subcommittee in what appears to be a conscious, calculated effort to insulate himself from accountability. The Department of Justice should consider Mr Cuomo’s prior allegedly wrongful conduct when evaluating whether to charge him for the false statements described in the attached.”
A major study involving 1.7 million children has found that heart damage only appeared in children who had received Covid mRNA vaccines.
Not a single unvaccinated child in the group suffered from heart-related problems.
Fraudsters allegedly bought luxury cars, boats, jewelry, properties, and more with around $250 million stolen from the Federal Child Nutrition Program, ABC News reported of an audit report and court documents.
The crime ring used a nonprofit organization called “Feeding Our Future” to launder “millions of dollars in program funds that were intended as reimbursements for the cost of serving meals to children,” the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said when it indicted 47 people related to the scheme in September 2022.
More than half a billion dollars was stolen from Minnesota nutrition and frontline worker programs under Gov. Tim Walz, the Democrat vice presidential nominee, in an enormous pandemic-era fraud scheme for which critics are calling him out.
Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, 35; Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, 23; Said Shafii Farah, 42; Abdulkarim Shafii Farah, 24; and Ladan Mohamed Ali, 31, are all accused of conspiring to bribe one of the jurors to return a not guilty verdict, FOX 9 reported.
The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted.
The Chief Medical Officer told the Covid Inquiry he still worries about whether the Government got “the level of concern” right as it introduced lockdowns and shielding measures.
Sir Chris said it was a difficult balance and if anything it was possible that authorities “overdid it” when communicating how dangerous the virus was at the beginning of the pandemic.
Earlier this year, another group of scientists made a similar discovery while studying the impact of DNA contamination in Covid mRNA shots.
Genomic researcher Kevin McKernan uncovered evidence that the DNA found in Covid shots is “integrating” with cancer cells.
The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the Covid mRNA shots.
McKernan said he believes that DNA contamination in Covid shots is the most likely cause of the global spike in cancers.
My effort to obtain corrections to a badly-flawed government-funded scientific study about the Amish approach to Covid has, at last, reaped results.
I’ve been notified by the Associate Publisher of Behavior and Health Sciences Journals that based on my challenges, the journal has issued multiple corrections to the original study.
A major new study has finally confirmed that the Covid mRNA vaccines are “far more” dangerous than the virus they are supposed to protect people from.
The explosive study concludes that the “overall risks greatly outweigh theoretical benefits”
The bombshell findings of the study were published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
The team of leading American scientists was led by world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter A. McCullough.
The study is a follow-up to a previous study which determined that “health-related risks and drawbacks were drastically misreported and underreported in the Pfizer and Moderna trial evaluations of these genetic products.”
In this new study, part 2, the researchers sought to identify the “extensive range of adverse, crippling, and life-threatening effects.”
Harris for President requires all employees to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign’s COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location.
(The Center Square) — A New York county has banned masks in public places in response to anti-Israel demonstrations over the war in Gaza, despite threats of a legal challenge from critics who say it’s unconstitutional.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, a Republican, signed the Mask Transparency Act on Wednesday. The law, which goes into effect immediately, makes it illegal to wear a mask or face covering “for the purposes of concealing an individual’s identity in public places.” The law exempts people who cover their faces for health, religious or cultural reasons. Violators of the misdemeanor face up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
A jury awarded a settlement of $687,240 to a woman in Tennessee who was fired from her job at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee (BCBST) for refusing to comply with a Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Of the total amount, $500,000 was for punitive damages levied against BCBST.
Tanja Benton, who worked as a biostatistical research scientist at BCBST from 2005 to 2022, was terminated from her job after her request for a religious exemption to the company’s Covid vaccine mandate was denied. She appealed the decision, but to no avail. She subsequently filed a federal lawsuit against the company.
A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.
“We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote.
Researchers from the Canadian nonprofit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières analyzed excess all-cause mortality data prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration and ending on May 5, 2023, when the WHO declared the pandemic over.
The results, presented in a detailed 521-page analysis, establish baseline all-cause mortality rates across 125 countries and use those to determine the variations in excess deaths during the pandemic.
The researchers also used the baseline rates to investigate how the individual country variations in excess death rates correlated to different pandemic-related interventions, including vaccination and booster campaigns.
Not all of the results on a country-by-country basis were the same. For example, in some countries, mortality spikes occurred before the vaccines were rolled out, while in other places, the mortality spikes tracked closely with vaccine or booster campaigns.
In some places, excess mortality rates returned to baseline or close to baseline in 2022, while in others, the rates persisted well into 2023. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., lead author of the study, told The Defender the disparities result from the complex nature of pandemic measures — and the data — in different areas.
Once Rancourt’s team was able to establish the baseline and excess mortality data for each place, they clustered and examined the data through different filters to interpret it, and drew several conclusions.
The researchers established that there was significant excess mortality worldwide between March 11, 2020, and May 5, 2023.
Overall excess mortality during the three years in the 93 countries with sufficient data to make an estimate is approximately 0.392% of the 2021 population — or approximately 30.9 million excess deaths from all causes.
The conventional explanation for the excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rancourt said, is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused virtually all deaths — and there would have been even more deaths if there hadn’t been a vaccine.
The variations in excess all-cause mortality rates across space and time, the authors wrote, “allow us to conclude that the Covid-period (2020-2023) excess all-cause mortality in the world is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death.”
They said the theory that the virus caused the deaths is propped up by mass virus-testing campaigns that should be abandoned.
Rancourt and his team cited several factors they believe disprove the theory that the virus caused a spike in all-cause mortality.
For example, they wrote that excess mortality surged almost simultaneously across several continents when a pandemic was declared, while there were no comparable surges in areas that had not yet declared a pandemic.
This suggests that pandemic interventions like lockdowns, which were implemented synchronously across many countries, likely caused the surges.
The researchers also pointed out the significant variation in mortality rates during the pandemic in all time periods, even across different political jurisdictions directly adjacent to each other. If the virus caused the deaths, it would follow that the infection fatality rate would be the same, or at least similar across political boundaries.
The researchers also found a lot of variability in death rates within countries over time, which also would not be an expected outcome if those deaths were caused by a pathogen.
Rancourt said they found “the idea that the vaccine saved lives is ridiculous,” and based on flawed modeling as he and colleagues also showed in a previous paper.
Here again, they found no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality.
Instead, they found that in many places, there was no excess mortality until the vaccines were rolled out, and most countries showed temporal associations between vaccine rollouts and increases in all-cause mortality.
Rancourt said the excess deaths his team identified are strongly associated with the combination of two major factors — the proportion of elderly in a country’s population and the number of people living in poverty. Both factors increased peoples’ vulnerability to “sudden and profound structural societal changes” and “medical assaults.”
While the proximal cause of death may be classified on death certificates as a respiratory condition or infection, the researchers noted, they argue the true primary causes of death are actually biological stress, non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccination rollouts.
The study provides an overview of plausible mechanisms for this hypothesis, including research showing that some people experienced severe biological stress from measures like mandates and lockdowns.
“If you structurally change the society by preventing people from moving, breathing, working, having their lives, having to stay at home, lock them in. If you do all these incredibly huge changes, structural changes in society, that is going to induce biological stress,” Rancourt told The Defender.
“There’s very compelling scientific evidence that biological stress is a massive killer,” he added.
Rancourt also pointed out that the stress of lockdowns affected poor people quite differently than it did people who could easily work from home, have food delivered and live relatively comfortably.
The authors also pointed to extensive evidence showing that medical interventions — including denial of treatment — caused premature deaths.
Such interventions included but were not limited to the denial of antibiotics and ivermectin against bacterial pneumonia, the systematic use of mechanical ventilators, experimental treatment protocols, new palliative medications and overdoses, isolation of vulnerable people and encouraged voluntary or involuntary suicide.
The March-April 2020 COVID-19 peak they identified in several countries is difficult to explain without such medical interventions, they wrote.
Finally, the researchers projected that 17 million of the excess deaths they identified were associated with the COVID-19 vaccines, confirming the findings of their previous research on a smaller sample of countries.
Those vaccine-related estimations were based on analyses of places that had large spikes immediately following vaccination or booster campaigns and also by examining the numbers of vaccine doses and their relation to deaths over time.
Thirty percent of the countries they analyzed had no excess deaths until either the vaccine rollouts or the booster campaigns. And there were significant correlations between COVID-19 vaccine rollouts and peaks or increases in excess all-cause mortality. Ninety-seven percent of countries showed a late-2021 or early-2022 peak in excess all-cause mortality temporally associated with booster rollouts.
It is highly unlikely, the researchers wrote, that the vaccine-mortality associations are coincidental.
Rancourt noticed that people critical of this idea point to the fact that in some places, there are sometimes campaigns or booster campaigns that aren’t associated with spikes in excess mortality.
However, he said vaccination campaigns don’t always lead to such spikes because vaccination was not related to death in the same way in every situation. Vulnerability factors like the age of those vaccinated, the health of the population and other sociological factors related to stressors on the immune system change how they are affected by vaccine toxicity or the vaccines’ effects on the immune system.
Based on their analysis and interpretations, they concluded,
“We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period.”
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Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., is a senior reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.
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Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.
Redfield’s admissions came during a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on government oversight of taxpayer-funded high-risk virus research.
The late admission of vaccine injuries underscores the failure of public health agencies and the medical establishment to provide informed consent to the billions of vaccine recipients worldwide.
“It’s important that he is telling the truth now,” vaccine researcher Jessica Rose, Ph.D., told The Defender. “Adverse events were hidden and still are being hidden to prevent injection hesitancy.”
A year after the case was dismissed by a district court, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Educational Foundation filed an appeal for the right to sue the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Board of Family Medicine, and the secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for “coordinated” attempts to “censor and chill the speech of physicians,” especially those “who spoke critically of positions taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid vaccination, and abortion.”
A district court judge had ruled AAPS lacked standing and denied AAPS’s attempt to amend the claim. But in a decision filed June 3, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reversed the dismissal, and the case has now been remanded to a lower court for discovery and potentially a full trial.
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s “physical distancing” protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic lacked scientific evidence, a watchdog group charges.
Protect the Public Trust is calling for an investigation for “apparent violations of scientific integrity standards,” the Washington Examiner reported.
Protect the Public Trust obtained a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report titled “Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention,” which it said appears to be the “sole basis” for claiming distancing could work. The letter said the report has five sources, none of which reach that conclusion, the Examiner reported.
Sources cited in the report did not support social distancing and others said it was not a preventive method, the Examiner said.
ALBANY, N.Y. — Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts.
Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote. There were no deaths from myocarditis or pericarditis.
The study evaluated over 1 million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15. Vaccinated minors were compared to an equal number of unvaccinated, and children who took one dose were also compared to those who took two doses.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said in congressional testimony that he reviewed no scientific evidence behind the specific recommendations for masking children or maintaining 6-foot social distancing before advocating these policies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The revelations come from the full transcript, released Friday, of Fauci’s closed-door transcribed interview session in January before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The publication comes days before the former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is slated to testify in his first public hearing since his retirement in December 2022.
When asked about social distancing recommendations that were implemented in businesses and schools during the early stages of the pandemic, Fauci said he did not recall where the precise number of 6 feet came from.
“It just sort of appeared,” Fauci said in his interview. “I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be 5 or 6 or whatever.”
The committee, led by chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), provided a brief recap of Tuesday’s session. Monday and Tuesday’s sessions totaled 14 hours, according to lawmakers. In Tuesday’s session, Fauci admitted that the six-foot social distancing recommendation “was likely not based on any data,” according to the committee.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
L.A. county officials blamed the spike in infections on holiday gatherings and the fact that people “gathered inside” during the cold December month.
There were 609 COVID-positive patients in L.A. County hospitals as of December 23— an increase from 259 on November 1 but a decrease from the 1,200 at this time last year. Some of the individuals were hospitalized for other reasons and were later diagnosed with COVID-19 after being tested at the hospitals.
In Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland, no deaths of children were reported even though they were not required to wear face masks.
12/6/2023PrintX 1
Wearing face masks to counter COVID-19 provides no significant protective benefit to children, with kids facing potential developmental challenges from masking, according to a recent review of multiple studies.
The review, published in the BMJ Journal on Dec. 2, investigated the effectiveness of wearing face masks in children during COVID-19. Out of the 22 studies analyzed, 16 reported “no effect of mask wearing on infection or transmission.” While the remaining six found a protective association between mask wearing and transmission, these studies had a “critical or serious risk of bias.” Overall, “we fail to find any evidence of benefit from masking children, to either protect themselves or those around them, from COVID-19,” it stated.
A Spanish study of nearly 600,000 children failed to find any significant difference in the number of infections between the masked and unmasked, the review said. Another study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found no “significant association” between mask mandates for children and pediatric COVID-19 cases.
Hospitalization and mortality rates among unmasked kids were also on the lower side. In Sweden, only 15 kids from almost 2 million were hospitalized in spring 2020 despite schools not requiring face masks. No child died from COVID-19.
In Finland, no child death was reported even though none of the children below the age of 10–12 years wore masks. Some cities mandated children 12 and over to wear masks, and other cities mandated children 10 and over to wear masks.
In New York public schools with one million students under enrollment, the transmission rate during the Delta variant period was estimated to be only 0.5 percent.
While there were no significant benefits in terms of transmission, hospitalization, and death rates among mask wearers, other reports revealed a worrying factor—harms to masked children.
“An extensive body of research has found harms associated with mask wearing or mask requirements in children. These associated harms include negative impacts on speech, language, and learning. Mask wearing causes reduced word identification and impedes the ability to teach and evaluate speech,” the review said. “There is a link between observation of the mouth and language processing, and people of all ages continue to focus on the mouth when listening to non-native speech. The sensitive period for language development is through age 4, and development of connected speech is ongoing beyond age 10.”
Masks may have negatively impacted the mental health and social-emotional well-being of children—especially among younger kids—by restricting the ability to interpret emotions accurately.
Children with special education needs and autism may be “disproportionately impacted” due to masking mandates as they heavily rely on facial expressions to pick up social cues.
“Misinterpretation of facial expressions increases anxiety and depression in individuals. School environments with mask mandates were also found to have increased anxiety levels compared to those without mandates,” the review stated.
Psychological harm from masking could lead to reduced learning capacity and additional sick days among children, it said.
The review pointed out that in medicine, any intervention without unknown benefits but potential risks cannot be recommended unless an absence of harm is demonstrated.
“Child mask mandates fail a basic risk-benefit analysis. Recommending child masking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is unsupported by current scientific data and inconsistent with accepted ethical norms that aim to provide additional protection from harm for vulnerable populations,” the review said.
Multiple studies have shown that face masks result in harm among children. A 2021 study from Germany analyzed the mask-wearing experience of 25,930 children who on average wore masks 4.5 hours per day.
Sixty-eight percent of parents reported that masking harmed their child. Some of the reported harms include headaches, malaise, irritability, drowsiness or fatigue, difficulty concentrating, impaired learning, and less happiness.
“We should always ask ‘At what cost?’ when considering any policy,” said Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke, a board-certified primary care physician in private practice in Southern California.
“The masking of children causes direct harm, including increased anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and learning disorders. And most importantly, it prevents the critical bonding between students and teachers because facial expressions aren’t able to be seen,” he said.
Despite studies showing harm to children, the CDC continues to advise face masks for kids aged two years and above, under certain circumstances, “to protect themselves and others from COVID-19,” according to a May 11 update.
According to the CDC, masking is needed in counties where COVID-19 hospitalization admissions are “high.” In areas where admissions are “medium or high,” the CDC recommends masking if the individual is at “high risk for getting very sick.”
“Choose a high-quality and comfortable mask or respirator that your child can wear properly. A poorly fitting or uncomfortable mask or respirator might be worn incorrectly or removed often, and that would reduce its intended benefits,” it says.
The Epoch Times reached out to the CDC for comment.
There have also been accusations of political maneuvers in research related to childhood masking. In June 2021, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics contended that children wearing face masks were inhaling carbon dioxide levels “deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6.”
JAMA Pediatrics pulled the paper citing “numerous scientific issues,” including concerns about study methodology and whether proper devices were used in measuring carbon dioxide levels.
In a statement to Just the News, Harald Walach, author of the study, pointed out that the retraction notice used “potential public health implications” as a “key phrase.” This suggested that “the retraction was political, because some people did not like our data.”
In a written response to comments on the study, Mr. Walach and colleagues defended the conclusions of their study.
“Facts are not constituted by single studies, but by multiple replications and discourse,” they wrote. “This is the first peer-reviewed study of carbon dioxide content under face masks in children in a short measurement set-up. The measurements, we contend, are valid and were conducted by individuals with high content expertise.”
“If someone doubts our results, the way to go is not to claim they are wrong without proof, but to produce better and different results.”
The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analyzed mask use among 3,209 individuals from Norway. Researchers followed them for 17 days, and then asked the participants about their use of masks. The team found that there was a higher incidence of testing positive for COVID-19 among people who used masks more frequently.
Among individuals who “never or almost never” wore masks, 8.6 percent tested positive. That rose to 15 percent among participants who “sometimes” used masks, and to 15.1 percent among those who “almost always or always” wore them.
Adjusting for factors such as vaccination status, the study determined that individuals who sometimes or often wore masks had a 33 percent higher incidence of COVID-19, compared to those who never or almost never wore masks. This jumped to 40 percent among people who almost always or always wore them.
However, adjusting for “differences in baseline risk over time,” the risk of wearing masks turned out to be “less pronounced,” with only a 4 percent higher incidence of infection among mask-wearers.
“The results contradict earlier randomized and non-randomized studies of the effectiveness of mask-wearing on the risk of infection,” the researchers wrote.
Earlier this month Dr. Mandy Cohen, the director of the CDC, told reporters that 4 million had received the new vaccines.
A federal court of appeals ruled that the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the FBI, and the surgeon general violated the First Amendment by using social media to suppress the speech and rhetoric of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.
CDC Director Mandy Cohen ;”What I see is I don’t see any need for mandates or those kinds of things right now. But we have to keep watching this virus, seeing how it changes, and if we need to make other recommendations, we will,” the CDC head said.
Fauci had been informed by January 2020 that his institute had funded the discovery and study of dozens of novel coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the closest cousin virus to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, new records show.
Based on what CDC knows now, existing tests used to detect and medications used to treat COVID-19 appear to be effective with this variant.
BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.
In a series of now-infamous tweets, FDA implied ivermectin was dangerous, and that it was intended only for horses and other animals. The appellate judges noted that FDA failed to acknowledge that a safe and effective human form of the medicine has been in use for decades.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has towed the anti-ivermectin narrative all along, with its infamous tweet reading, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”16 While commanding the U.S. public and physicians not to use ivermectin for an off-label use, the irony stands that close to 40% of U.S. prescriptions are for off-label uses.17
SB 29 prohibits state and local government entities from implementing certain COVID-19 preventative measures, like mandated face masks and COVID-19 vaccines. It also prohibits the closure of private businesses and schools due to COVID-19. The bill was signed by Abbott and takes effect on Sept. 1, 2023.
“Lockdown has a purpose,” the pseudoscientist continued. “One of the purposes, if you don’t have a vaccine, it’s to get more ventilators, get the hospitals better prepared … until you decompress the pressure on the hospitals.“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” he suggests.
“You had to have something to immediately shut down the tsunami of infection,” he states, adding, “that lockdown was absolutely justified.”
“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” he suggests.
“Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down,” says Fauci, the former White House coronavirus czar and now-retired public health official who became the face of both the Trump and Biden administrations’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, in a lengthy sit-down with The New York Times. “Never. I never did.”
Fauci 2020 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease doctor, said he thinks every state in the nation should have stay-at-home orders to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. At the time he spoke, 10 states still didn’t have a stay-at-home mandate. “You know, the tension between federally mandated versus states’ rights to do what they want is something I don’t want to get into,” Fauci said. “If you look at what’s going on in this country, I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that. We really should be. I don’t understand why that’s not happening.”
WashingtonCNN —
The nation’s top infectious disease expert on Sunday did not rule out supporting a temporary national lockdown of the country’s restaurants and bars in order to curb the spread of coronavirus, saying he’d like to see a “dramatic” reduction in activity in order to fight the disease.
Asked by CNN’s Brianna Keilar on “State of the Union” if he’d like a “national lockdown” where people are being told they need to stay home and out of restaurants and bars, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said he’d “like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see” in those places.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., filed a criminal referral with the Department of Justice against Anthony Fauci for allegedly lying to Congress about the National Institutes of Health’s gain-of-function research. While we don’t desire to see Fauci imprisoned, the complaint demonstrates the severity of the NIH’s deficiencies and the need for sweeping reform.
Any honest assessment of the NIH’s pandemic performance would give it a poor grade. While NIH support for the rapid development of the Covid vaccine deserves some credit, the NIH failed in almost every other aspect of its contribution to the pandemic response.
Morris Brown College (MBC) in Atlanta, Georgia, announced Sunday that it would be implementing a mask mandate for all students, faculty and staff for the 2023 fall semester, according to an Instagram post.
In addition, students must continue social distancing, all large gatherings have been canceled for the next two weeks and anyone going on campus must get their temperature taken, according to the post. Students and staff who test positive must quarantine for five days in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols.
James told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement that MBC has no cases yet but that the school is “taking precautionary measures for the next 14 days.”
All Americans will be urged by the Biden administration to get a coronavirus booster shot this autumn ahead of what it claims is a new wave of infections, a White House official said Sunday.
Mattingly said, “[T]he Biden administration would regularly reach out to Twitter and Facebook and other companies in kind of the early stages of their COVID response and say, this person is spreading lies about vaccines, this account is spreading misinformation that is inhibiting — not just our efforts, the administration’s efforts to address COVID — but also public health, do something about it. And often, I think more often than not, the companies would respond and say, okay. And there are emails that came out during the course of this case that that was something that I think — when it was explained to me at the time, I thought, alright, that makes sense, that’s probably what we should do on public health grounds.”
Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki pushed social-media platforms to censor COVID-19 information coming from conservative voices starting in May 2021, a federal judge ruled Wednesday, the Daily Caller reported.
U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana granted an injunction barring President Joe Biden’s administration from contacting tech companies to request the censorship of some users.
The ruling came in response to a 2022 lawsuit brought by attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri. Their lawsuit alleged the federal government overstepped in its efforts to convince social media companies to address postings that could result in vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or affect elections.
“If the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” the injunction read.
Early in the Covid pandemic concerns were raised that lockdown and other non-pharmaceutical interventions would cause significant multidimensional harm to society. This paper comprehensively evaluates the global state of knowledge on these adverse social impacts, with an emphasis on their type and magnitude during 2020 and 2021. A harm framework was developed spanning 10 categories: health, economy, income, food security, education, lifestyle, intimate relationships, community, environment and governance. The analysis synthesizes 600 publications with a focus on meta-analyses, systematic reviews, global reports and multi-country studies. This cumulative academic research shows that the collateral damage of the pandemic response was substantial, wide-ranging and will leave behind a legacy of harm for hundreds of millions of people in the years ahead. Many original predictions are broadly supported by the research data including: a rise in non-Covid excess mortality, mental health deterioration, child abuse and domestic violence, widening global inequality, food insecurity, lost educational opportunities, unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, social polarization, soaring debt, democratic backsliding and declining human rights. Young people, individuals and countries with lower socioeconomic status, women and those with pre-existing vulnerabilities were hit hardest. Societal harms should challenge the dominant mental model of the pandemic response: it is likely that many Covid policies caused more harm than benefit, although further research is needed to address knowledge gaps and explore policy trade-offs, especially at a country-level. Planning and response for future global health emergencies must integrate a wider range of expertise to account for and mitigate societal harms associated with government intervention.
Federal officials gave more than $23 billion in COVID-19 aid to the nation’s top 20 nonprofit hospitals, even as a 62 percent increase in their collective net assets led to parallel surges in the institutions’ total profits and revenues during 2018–2021, according to a new report.
Only two of the 20 institutions have repaid the government for the COVID-19 aid they received.
“The 20 largest nonprofit hospitals in the country continued making massive profits while their cumulative net assets soared to $324.3 billion in 2021, up from $200.6 billion in 2018.
“Those hospital systems received congressional COVID bailouts of $23 billion and only two providers partially paid their COVID bailout back,” according to the report compiled by Open The Books, an Illinois-based research nonprofit that compiles and posts spending by all levels of government in the United States.
The two institutions that have partially repaid the government weren’t identified.
The biggest jump among the top 20 was 92 percent by the Mayo Clinic, based in Rochester, Minnesota, whose assets surged to $17.7 billion in 2021 from $9.2 billion in 2018. The Mayo Clinic received $350,000 in federal COVID-19 aid, the lowest amount received among the top 20 institutions.
The Cleveland Clinic Health System, based in Independence, Ohio, saw its assets rise 60 percent, to $15.7 billion from $9.8 billion, while receiving $118 million in federal COVID-19 aid. Intermountain Healthcare, based in Salt Lake City, the 12th-largest of the top 20, enjoyed a 63 percent growth in net assets to $11.6 billion from $7.1 billion; Intermountain received $518 million in aid.
The Northwestern Medicine system saw a 43 percent jump in net assets, moving to $11.9 billion from $8.3 billion, and received $419 million in COVID-19 aid. The Indiana University Health System went to $10.3 billion in 2021 from $7 billion in 2018, a 47 percent increase. The Indiana facility received $726 million in COVID-19 assistance from the government.
As the revenue poured in for the 20 hospitals, compensation for their top executives soared, often beyond $10 million annually, according to the report.
For example, the CEO of Ascension Healthcare, which is based in St. Louis and is the nation’s second-largest such system, received $13 million in 2021 and more than $22 million over the period covered by the study.
The recipient among the top 20 of the most COVID-19 aid was San Francisco-based CommonSpirit Health with $3.6 billion, followed by Providence St. Joseph Center with $3 billion, Ascension Healthcare with $2.7 billion, Livonia, Michigan-based Livonia Health with $2.3 billion and Sutter Health, based in Sacramento, California, with $1.7 billion.
Meanwhile, the overall health of Americans got worse between 2018 and 2021.
“American life expectancy during this period sharply declined by a staggering 2.5 years from 2019 through 2022. While ‘comparable country averages’ rebounded from a COVID-related drop in 2021, the United States continued declining in life expectancy,” the report found.
“Yet, the cost of health care is still astronomically high, as the average family paid $22,463 in health insurance premiums in 2022. That does not include out-of-pocket costs like co-pays and deductibles, which can be thousands more. This has led to medical debt for about 100 million Americans,” the report continued.
Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall is warning that a new virus could break out of China and cause another worldwide pandemic as he releases “Muddy Waters,” a comprehensive new report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional lab leaks.
“This report concludes most likely this was two leaks,” Marshall said during a briefing with reporters ahead of the release of the report. “The possibility of a lab leak in the September-October [2019] time frame, even as early as July or August, was followed by vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be the most sensible explanation in this retrospective review.”
The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
A rapid review report published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) investigated if high-quality masks, such as the N95, KN95 and FFP2 coverings, protect clinically vulnerable people in the community from catching Covid.
However, the report was unable to find a single piece of scientific research which had usable data.
“The review did not identify any studies for inclusion, and so could provide no evidence to answer the research question,” the authors state. “No studies matching the inclusion criteria were found, so no evidence could be presented.”
WASHINGTON – The U.S. national emergency to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic ended Monday as President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan congressional resolution to bring it to a close after three years — weeks before it was set to expire alongside a separate public health emergency.
A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden’s order that federal employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
The administration had argued that the president was akin to CEO managing a private corporation and therefore held the authority to require employees to get vaccinated, according to the Associated Press.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, however, disagreed and reversed the decision of a panel that had sided with the administration. That panel included three judges from the Fifth Circuit, two of whom favored the government’s argument. The full appeals court, a group of sixteen judges, ruled Thursday.
Trump-appointed District Judge Jeffrey Brown of Texas initially blocked the order in January. President Joe Biden issued the directive in September 2022.
Sweden’s COVID policies worked like a charm, compared to everybody else. Their excess death rate since COVID began killing people is lower than every other country in the OECD.
The weird thing is we aren’t sure why that is.
The superiority of Sweden’s more laissez-faire policies was obvious from the beginning, but I assumed that time would show that mortality rates in Sweden would pretty much match those in other countries while avoiding all the negative consequences caused by draconian policies followed by most other countries.
I was wrong.
Sweden’s excess mortality during the pandemic is vastly lower than almost every other country in the world, and it has little to do with the death rate from COVID itself.
“Excess deaths” are simply the number of people who died in a period of time in excess of the number expected, given historical trends and demographics. Sweden suffered fewer excess deaths overall, despite having a slightly higher number of COVID-related deaths than her Scandinavian neighbors, to whom they are usually compared.
The Scandinavian countries as a whole did well during COVID compared to most other OECD countries, but none did as well as Sweden. This fact has been buried by the COVIDiots, who seem to think that deaths from COVID are the only important variable, and hence they simply ignore that vast numbers of people who shouldn’t have died from other causes are now buried in the ground.
At least they didn’t die from COVID, so that’s no big deal, I guess.
Sweden was excoriated for their policies, with all Right Thinking™ people certain they were engaged in mass murder. And for a brief period of time, their COVID death rates were higher than their neighbors, but mostly because their sane policies didn’t drag out the inevitable dying.
I have been following the excess death statistics for a year now, and the trends are both very troubling and, frankly, bizarre. There is lots of speculation in the medical and public health community regarding the reasons for a dramatic increase in excess deaths, amounting to millions of people dying who shouldn’t have, and understandably a growing sense of crisis.
Not that most people have been informed about the scary excess death rates. There is remarkably little discussion outside small circles, and “experts” try to blame the deaths on COVID or COVID-related health issues. Sweden’s experience proves that isn’t the case. People there got COVID just like the rest of us, but it’s population isn’t dropping like flies.
Those of us who have been much more skeptical of the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness might point to the vaccine itself as a major cause of the rise of excess deaths, and I suspect some fraction (probably small) is explained by adverse reactions to the vaccine. But Sweden is, if not quite as vaccinated a country as Norway, still very highly vaccinated. Over 80% of the population was vaccinated in 2022 and it ranks very high compared to other countries with far greater excess mortality.
In other words, vaccine reactions may be a contributing factor, but if so it isn’t a huge one or at least a decisive one. Anecdotes of vaccine-induced deaths may tell a real story–it would shocking to find out that injecting anything into billions of people caused no serious problems in any of them–but vaccines themselves are not the cause of the excess mortality spikes.
I have been combing the literature trying to figure out what IS the common variable among the countries where excess mortality is out of control and those few countries where it is not. Obviously, I am not doing the studies and admit that I couldn’t design a good one, although I am competent enough at statistics to recognize a bad one (usually). So I am awaiting a few really good studies by people who know what they are doing and have access to the data.
A few things are clear already, though:
Sweden’s status as an outlier is important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it provides a natural control group. While most Western countries went insane, Sweden actually followed the pandemic protocols that had been in place for years. Protocols, by the way, very similar to the US-planned approach that was thrown out the window when COVID hit.
We may not know exactly what went wrong everywhere else, but Sweden tells us what to look for, and it ain’t going to be pretty for the lockdown strategy everybody else adopted.
There are probably multiple causes for what is a public health disaster, but one of them is almost certainly the total breakdown that bad policies caused in the medical system. It was not the influx of COVID patients that caused this breakdown–the medical system is still totally dysfunctional long after the short, temporary crisis passed. Last time I spoke with an emergency room doctor she told me that she hadn’t treated a COVID patient in months, but emergency rooms are packed.
Whatever the reasons–and I am determined to keep digging–it is clear that most Western governments screwed up big time. Sweden didn’t, despite all the crap directed at them.
We need to know what worked and what didn’t. Unfortunately, most countries still refuse to admit that Sweden’s approach worked and theirs didn’t.
In the meantime, many more people will die due to those bad policies.
The New York Police Department is advising businesses to ask patrons to take off their masks before entry in light of the high number of thefts and robberies across the city.
Removing masks should be made a “condition of entry,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said at a press conference last week, noting that criminals have been taking advantage of masks to avoid detection on surveillance cameras.
“People are coming up to our businesses, sometimes with masks, hoods and latex gloves, and they’re being buzzed in, they’re being allowed to enter into the store and then we have a robbery or some kind of property being stolen,” Maddrey said.
“We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry: That people, when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” he continued. “And if they feel like they want to put their mask on after they identify themselves for their safety, by all means, they should do so.”
Two Colorado hospitals are dropping their mask requirements after roughly three years of forcing individuals to mask up.
DenverHealth announced this month that it will finally end its mask mandate, which has been in place for nearly three years, originally going into effect March 2020.
That all changes Wednesday, March 1, as “asymptomatic patients, visitors and vaccinated staff at all Denver Health facilities may choose to mask but are no longer required to do so,” according to the hospital, which said the decision is “aligned with other peer health care institutions in the Denver metro area.”
However, the update states those with respiratory symptoms, as well as unvaccinated staff members, will still be required to wear masks in the facilities.
The coronavirus pandemic most likely began with a laboratory leak, a U.S. Energy Department classified intelligence report now before the White House and key Congress members sets out.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday the Energy Department’s revised assessment of the pandemic’s origins is based on fresh intelligence noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.
Full-year revenues for 2022 came in at $100.3 billion, which is an “all-time high” for the multinational corporation, according to the earnings release by Pfizer on Jan. 31.
An international research collaboration that reviewed several dozen rigorous studies of “physical interventions” against influenza and COVID-19 through last year failed to find even a modest effect on infection or illness rates from masks of all qualities.
Published in the peer-reviewed Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, run by the British evidence-based medicine charity Cochrane, the study raises new doubts about ongoing mask mandates and public health recommendations worldwide.
A state Supreme Court judge has shut down New York’s Covid vaccine mandate, blasting the order as “Orwellian” and ruling that the order is “null, void, and of no effect.”
Judge Gerard Neri ruled that Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, the Commissioner of Health for New York State, and the New York State Department of Health overstepped their authority by mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for NY’s healthcare workers.
Neri noted in his ruling that the vaccine mandate was not authorized by state public health law.
The court sided with a lawsuit that was brought in October and struck down the health order.
The lawsuit was filed by Medical Professionals for Informed Consent.
The judge also slammed the state for claiming that taking mRNA shots is a “public health” issue rather than a personal medical decision.
“In true Orwellian fashion, the Respondents acknowledge then-current COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission,” Judge Neri wrote.
The New York’s Department of Health issued a statement in response to say that it is “exploring all options” moving forward.
“The requirement is a critical public health tool,” the agency said.
This law allows doctors to face discipline for spreading so-called misinformation or disinformation about COVID-19—including information about vaccine effectiveness and other treatments—and categorizes it as unprofessional conduct.
The group has made it their mission to distribute widely what they claim to be “real” information about the pandemic, often going against CDC recommendations. The article, titled “The Case for Wearing Masks Forever, written by Emma Green and published Wednesday, describes the People’s CDC as a “ragtag coalition of public-health activists” who “believe that America’s pandemic restrictions are too lax.”
The U.S. government has contracts with thousands of companies, and courts have said the issue could affect up to 20% of U.S. workers.
A panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold a lower court decision that blocked President Joe Biden’s September 2021 contractor vaccine executive order in those states after Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi brought suit to seek invalidation of the mandate.
Fauci said Wednesday on CNN’s “At This Hour” that he had “no clue” why Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) wants to investigate vaccines.
Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced on Tuesday his plans to pay back the people and businesses who were fined by the state for violating Covid lockdown policies put in place by his predecessor, Democratic former Gov. Ralph Northam.
In an executive order, Youngkin commanded all state enforcement agencies, boards, and commissions, to report the fines and disciplinary actions they imposed upon those individuals and entities. According to an official statement, a reimbursement process is in the works for his upcoming budget proposal.