Leading Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For 95% of Severe and 85-90% of New Covid Hospitalizations; Vaccine Effectiveness is “Really Fading” (VIDEO)

By Julian Conradson
Published August 7, 2021 at 1:05pm
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“Trust the science”

This week Dr. Kobi Haviv, the medical director of Israel’s leading center for respiratory care, joined the country’s Channel 13 News to share an extremely concerning update regarding breakthrough cases among the vaccinated.

According to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90% of all new hospitalizations and 95% of “severe” cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem.

He explains how one infected patient will spread the virus to “a large number of people” and that it doesn’t just happen “here or there,” it’s happening frequently.

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Watch the video here:https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1424035882454065155&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2021%2F08%2Fplease-add-video-leading-israeli-health-official-vaccinated-account-95-severe-85-90-new-covid-hospitalizations-vaccine-effectiveness-really-fading-video%2F&sessionId=72e820d7b09a7c19ced7de5259cbe5dbee4a0e8a&theme=light&widgetsVersion=1890d59c%3A1627936082797&width=500px

According to their health officials, the majority of  Israelis have been fully vaccinated, including 85% of those who are eligible. Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.

Despite most of them taking the jab, the country has seen a quick spike in cases that has resulted in more daily positive test results than they had on the same day last year. On Thursday they had 3,843 new cases.

The Israeli Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports. After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens are now required to provide proof of vaccination, a positive test, or proof that they recovered recently from the virus to participate in most indoor and outdoor activities.

This includes gyms, restaurants, and parks. Synagogues and houses of worship were originally included in the expanded restrictions but they were taken out at the last minute.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1423612315925041157&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2021%2F08%2Fplease-add-video-leading-israeli-health-official-vaccinated-account-95-severe-85-90-new-covid-hospitalizations-vaccine-effectiveness-really-fading-video%2F&sessionId=72e820d7b09a7c19ced7de5259cbe5dbee4a0e8a&theme=light&widgetsVersion=1890d59c%3A1627936082797&width=500px

Dr. Haviv’s observations, combined with the high vaccination rate, is more confirmation to Gateway Pundit’s recent reporting about the vaccine’s complete ineffectiveness against spreading the virus.